Monday, August 8, 2016

Battle of divas! Make me... or Rise (me)...?

Everybody has been talking about the latest singles by Katy Perry and Britney Spears for different reasons, but mainly because both were released almost the same day. Both songs have different messages, but both were released by two of the most important pop singers, one (Britney) that has released some bad songs in the last years, while Katy Perry has been on the top with her different hits taken from her last album "Prism". But this "battle" started the day when they released their new songs and it has grown when they published their respective music video with a difference of 24 hours!

The first video released was "Rise" by Katy Perry. It has 11.266.565 views (8/8/16) and counting, because of the battle. The katycats wants to keep Katy Perry as the queen of Youtube. The other day, I said that I liked the video, because it matches the message of the song and I like the song, even when it isn't the best song of the year, it is great.

Then, Britney Spears published the music video for "Make Me...", featuring G.Eazy a sexual pop song. When they released their respective singles, I chose "Make Me..." as my favorite song, but now that I have seen the music video for this song, I'm not pretty sure of it. I still like the song, the video isn't boring but the story is like too much, I didn't liked the story. Britney did a kind of audition to choose with who was going to make love? It's like very superficial.

But, it is a true battle? Katy against Britney? Or Britney against Katy? Maybe it is just a coincidence not a real battle to know who is better or it is part of one of the several malicious tricks made by the record labels. However, I think that the truth is that the battle will continue.

But tell me people, what do you think about it? It is a "real" battle of divas? Or, it is just a commercial trick? What is your favorite music video? Leave all your comments and follow me on Twitter, Facebook and visit mme daily!

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