Monday, July 11, 2016

Album Review: American Authors - What We Live For

Album cover
What We Live For is the second studio album by American indie rock band American Authors. It was released on June 1st, 2016. It has 12 tracks and "Go Big or Go Home" was its first single.

"We’re really feeling the pressure of, ‘OK, how do we take what people know and love about us from the first album, but really give it where we’re at today and kind of take it to the next level, for who we are as people, and who we are as musicians right now".

Said frontman Zac Barnett and even when it is the first American Authors' album that I hear in my life, I can tell you that the "pressure" that they felt when started recording this album paid off, because "What We Live For" is an amazing album.
I like this kind of indie rock that have songs with country vibe and alternative sounds. This album is pretty energetic, it has songs that made me feel like I was wasting my time doing nothing and that it was time to go out and do something useful and/or funny. Each song has a great message and catchy lyrics, I learned almost all the songs after the second time that I heard it. "What We Live For" is also that kind of albums that you don't need to listen several times to love it, with just one time is enough.

I have to say that there are a big deal of songs that I love, so to choose just one favorite song is difficult, but the winner is "I'm Born to Run". I have to admit that this song made me to start going to the gym, I know that it wasn't the message of the song, but I just felt that I had to do new things and met new people ( and now I will have a hotter body). The massage is beautiful, I like its rhythm, it's so catchy and now, it is one of my favorite songs for ever!

"I wanna see Paris, I wanna see TokyoI wanna be careless even if I break my bones"

If you don't know American Authors, start listening to this new album "What We Live For", I'm pretty sure that you will find at leats five songs that will become part of your life and a new fan of this indie rock band.

American Authors - What We Live For (Album): ★★★★★  

PS. Do excercise and listen American Authors, I'm Jus' Sayingg.

I said that it was going to be an interactive blog, so please write your comments and let's talk about it. Do you like this band? Did you already listen to this album? What was your favorite song? 
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