Wednesday, July 27, 2016

New sections for Jus Sayingg

In order to have better content, I decided to select like a "topic" for each week day. Without leaving aside other content such as news, new songs and / or music videos.
So the following list has the "topic" for each day:

Monday - K-pop Zone
On Monday I will post the newest music videos and songs of this musical genre originating in South Korea.

Tuesday – The top five videos of…
I will make a list of the best five music videos from any singer, DJ, band, etc. And also I will write some fun facts about the video number one of the list (the artist will be chosen randomly).

Wednesday – You Should Listen to…
On Wednesday, I will talk about a singer, band, DJ, duo, etc. that aren't very "comercial". Of course, I will give information about his / her / their music, their most famous songs, why you should start listen to his / her / they music and all that kind of stuff.

Thursday – My Collection
As I been doing it these last weeks, I write about the CDs that are part of my collection.

Friday – Live Performance
On Friday, I will search on YouTube a live performace about any artist that I like and I will give you some information about it. 

Saturday – The 10 best songs by…
I will make a list of the ten best songs (according to me) about any artist.

Sunday – Pushing You
With your help, I will talk about a new singer, band, DJ or somebody that makes music, giving you information about the new artist's music style and more information about them. 

But tell me, do you like this idea? Would you like to find information about more topics? Let's keep in touch and follow me on Twitter and Facebook, also share and visit daily this blog.

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