Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Album Review: Bastille - Wild World

Album cover
Wild World is the second studio album by British indie pop band Bastille, released on September 9th, 2016. This album has two versions, the standard with 14 tracks and the "complete edition" with five more tracks.

The first song that I heard by this band was "Pompeii", taken from their debut album. I remember that when I heard it, their original sound made me listen more of their music. When I heard "Bad Blood" (their debut album released in 2013) I found amazing songs with great messages, but the best part was that I discovered a band with original and fresh music style. 
When Bastille released "Good Grief", the lead single from "Wild World" I knew that their newest album was going to be perfect.

I have heard the "complete edition" of the album and believe me, even when it took me one hour and six minutes listening the album, I never got bored or "tired" of listening it, because the album is full of different rhythms and melodies. Other thing very cool about the album is that, there several songs have samples of films that according to Dan, it helped to give a "texture" to the album:
“Yeah, it’s a big mix from films, old documentaries, found footage, stuff we recorded ourselves. We’ve actually had to re-record quotes from films because of clearance issues. It’s such a nightmare!…" Dan said in an interview.
Let's start talking about some of the tracks and its message. The album opens with "Good Grief", which was described by Dan Smith as: “a song about loss, but the ups and downs of it and those moments of euphoria you get.” It has an explosive rhythm and it's pretty melodious.
If I had to choose one song to describe the album, I would choose "Warmth", because what I understood is that, it's better to have a loved person by our side, to help us to distract us from all the bad news that happen in our world and it also describes better the concept of the album. However, my favorite song was "Power", it has an amazing message and I love how the guitar sounds, it also is very catchy.

"Power, power
I will never understand the power you're holding over me
Power, power
Oh you had it too long, yes you had it too long"

But if you want to hear some good ballads, there are some of them that you will like, such as: "Two Evils", "Winter of Our Youth", "Oil On Water" and "Four Walls (The Ballad of Perry Smith)", this last one has an interesting story behind. According to Bastille it is also “the most depressing song on the album”, because it was inspired by Perry Smith, he was ex-convict convicted and executed in for a 1959 in Kansas. On the other hand, "An Act of Kindness" was described by Dan Smith as "the most positive" song, because it talks about "how people can do amazing things in sad situations."

It would take me more lines to explain all the songs, so I will tell you what are the other most relevants tracks on "Wild World": "The Currents", "Send Them Off!", "Lethargy", "Campus" and "Way Beyond" that has a suprising rhythm, but I love its message, it talks about the impact of the media in us and it is also like the most different song, talking about its rhythm.

So after reading this album review, you shouldn't waste more time and listen to "Wild World". It's one of my favorite albums of this year and I'm pretty sure you will love it too!

Bastille - Wild World: ★★★★★  

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